DTL: Two Student Perspectives

At DTL I’m able to work at my own pace. After working at my own pace we have discussions which help me extend my understanding of what I’m learning and keeps me engaged. If I were given a bunch of assignments for a test at the end of every week. I would barely be able to stay engaged at all and I wouldn’t improve. DTL allows me to focus and do well in school. Flexibility, another quality of DTL, that works well with me. While I’m traveling or out playing music the amount of work is adjusted to my schedule. This allows me to balance my school work with my music schedule when I need to. If you have trouble staying engaged in your school and want flexibility in your learning environment DTL is the right school for you. 

Do.Think.Learn’s flexibility and constructive approach to learning works best for me. I appreciate the school’s emphasis on identifying the significance of certain topics learned, which serves as a great way to make students feel like what they’re learning truly serves a purpose. The school’s acknowledgement that acquiring basic ideas of complex topics can go a long way (for example, physics) helps me to better balance out my work. Researching complex topics can sometimes lead to spending way too much time on a single subject. By attaining just a basic understanding of complex topics at first, I can spend more time on other assignments in a school day. In addition, I like that the school tests student knowledge through presentations at the end of each term. Presentations push students to think about what aspects of their given topics are necessary to discuss, as well as what aspects can be discarded. Through presentations, I feel like I’ve grown in my ability to explain the things I learned in a clear manner. In many ways, Do.Think.Learn kills two birds with one stone. Do.Think.Learn has greatly fulfilled my learning needs.