Gangsta Puppets

Charley, a 7th grader who attends Do Think Learn, arrived at school on a Monday morning with a number of injuries. Her eye was surrounded in a dark purple hue, leaving Charley nearly blind. Her nose had a narrow red slit across its surface, perhaps the least severe of her injuries. Charley’s knee was a mixture of cool colors, from shades of green to purple. On the same leg, two other bruises were present. Horrified by Charley’s physical state, J immediately asked what happened. Charley felt reluctant to explain for fear of J not believing the strange, but completely true situation that occurred. On a Saturday evening, a feeling of hunger stirred up in Charley. She was desperate to eat, but nothing in the fridge or the pantry satisfied her. Charley craved only one thing. This thing she craved was relatively easy to find, but difficult to hunt. Charley grew ravenous and the one thing she truly desired to consume was… puppets.

Where Charley lived, puppets were known as the most gangster, criminally insane and muscular beings out there, but she felt up to the challenge. Careful as not to make much noise, Charley opened the front door to her house and sprinted out to the opposite side of the road, so hungry that the fact that she left the front door open didn’t even bother her. The puppets often did gang shit behind Bristol Farms near Charley’s home. She speed-walked stealthily to the grocery store. On her way there, Charley encountered a gang of four puppets chillin’ at the intersection. Some were drinkin’, others were trippin’ on some exclusive puppet drugs. Charley had to think fast and decided to aim for the smallest puppet of the gang. She darted toward the mass of puppets and they all began beating her ass! Charley managed to bite off a puppet’s leg, but regretted it after getting punched in the face. She couldn’t take it anymore and used all her strength to race back home. The puppets, as they clearly lack lower body strength, didn’t run after her and continued to do gang shit. That day changed Charley’s life, as she never again craved the taste of puppets.

Author - LT.